How to Pitch for a Promotion
How to Pitch for a Promotion
There will come a time in your career when you feel ready to move up on the career ladder but want to stay in your current company. Often, many companies will have career pathways in place so you know what you need to do to progress and have a rough timeline for when you can expect this. However, this isn’t always the case and sometimes YOU will need to take that step forward and ask for a promotion.
As much as we’d all love to burst into the meeting room and demand the promotion we feel we deserve, that just isn’t how it works.
There are a few ways to go about asking for a promotion, so let me tell you them!
Understand the role you are aspiring to move into.
Start by fully understanding the position you want to move into. It is important for you to learn what your full responsibilities would be, what your day to day would look like, and the skills needed. Once you know all this information, it will be easier for you to present how your current skills are transferable to this new role, and why you are the ideal candidate.
Highlight your achievements and contributions.
In your current role, make a list of everything you have achieved and any major contributions you have been a part of. When the time Is right in your meeting, you will be able to use these as examples of how you have made a difference to the team or business and how you can further excel in this new role. You need to be able to prove that you bring valuable skills to the table that benefit the company in order to convince the decision-makers your ready for this promotion.
Develop your skills and knowledge.
Keep up-to-date with industry trends, advancements, and new skills relevant to the new position you are wanting. Show proactive learning but enrolling in courses, attending workshops etc to demonstrate your commitment to your learning and development in this new role.
Communicate your career goals.
During your performance reviews or one-to-ones, openly discuss your career goals and where you’d like to be in X number of years. Express your interest in taking on additional responsibilities and wanting to progress in your role as it shows loyalty to the company which can strengthen your pitch when the time is right.
Demonstrate Leadership skills.
Show leadership traits, even in your current position by taking the initiative, working with others, and showcasing your ability to solve problems. One important quality that managers like to look for is a
Prepare a Persuasive Pitch.
Create a pitch that is well organised and clearly shows your accomplishments, skills and aspirations. Outline your goals for the organisation and how you intend to contribute and add value. You want to feel comfortable and confident in your meeting so remember to practise your pitch and prepare any answers to questions you think that could be asked.
See Feedback and Iterate.
Before presenting your pitch to the decision-makers, present to a close colleague or mentor. Use their insights and feedback to refine and strengthen your pitch.
Choose the right moment.
Timing is important. Choose a suitable time to make your pitch, such as during performance reviews or one-to-ones. Make sure it is the right situation for discussing promotions and professional development.
Remain Resilient and Optimistic.
Stay positive and resilient in any situation. If you don't succeed, request specific feedback to identify areas for improvement. Consider proposing a follow-up meeting with the decision-makers after X amount of time to revisit the topic. This reflects your determination and loyalty to the company.
To summarise, putting together an effective pitch for a promotion takes planning, self-awareness and communication skills. By showcasing and demonstrating your skills and accomplishments and making a strong statement will increase your chances of getting that well deserved promotion!
Good luck ;)